Young Entrepreneur Program "SignaLife - Labex" - 12.2022

The SignaLife - Labex Innovation Program has launched a YEP Call for Projects from 2020 with the following objectives: To support innovation within the scientific community of the SIGNALIFE Labex for projects developping new technological and scientific assets linked to research on cell signaling in biology, carried out by or in collaboration with SIGNALIFE Labex teams (IDEX partners), and whose planned development includes the creation of a startup.

DimiCare Biotech has been selected and awarded with this YEP founding which will allow us to work in the end of the early-discovery stage and to develop our proof-of-concept in the following months.


Laurent Boyer, PhD : VIRINFLAM team leader (C3M U1065 INSERM) and host of the awarded YEP project

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