DimiCare Biotech 

Fighting Antimicrobial Resistance:
from the 
Biological EmergencY to Opportunistic and Neglected Diseases

« Usually in movies, an alien lands in a new city (usually San Francisco for any reason) and, despite the efforts of hundreds of soldiers from the best army on the planet, it escapes every bullet we fire against it… Then, we need to change the nature of our weapons, to create something new to face it and make the city free again…

Just like those aliens, some bacteria can get away from most of the treatments we have in hospitals… That’s why we must go FAR BEYOND… It is too late for the next steps, it is time for new ways to face them, it is time for a new generation of antibiotics


DimiCare has identified and characterized thanks to ARROW, our screening platform, a new class of precision antibiotics, a “magic bullet” which eliminates 100% of targeted multidrug-resistant bacteria, without any resistance to, later be degraded by the organism without any environmental impact.»

Our screening Antimicrobial Research and Optimization Workflow (ARROW) platform allowed us to discover highly specific compounds against emergent and public health priority pathogens.

Updated clinical strains

We have hundreds of clinical strains recently isolated from patients to test the bioactivity of our compounds against current strains in hospitals.

New class compounds bank

Our Medicinal Chemistry experts work hard to feed our growing in-house bank of synthetic bioactive compounds

Regenerative AI boosted research

Our team are implementing AI tools to improve and accelerate drug discovery and development - in silico modelling, preliminary PK/PD results, SAR analysis...


Fundamental research is on our DNA, and the basis of reliable results are innovative but standardized methods, reason why we work on new methodologies to characterize the bioactivity of our compounds faster and easier.

A new generation of antibiotics

Dimicare Biotech is a spin-off from University Côte d'Azur (UniCA) focused on the development of a new generation of drugs against difficult-to-treat infections. We devep precision antibiotics with a high and specific efficacy, reduced resistant rate (<10e-10) and undetectable ecological impact( no effect on microorganisms after degradation)...


Currently, our main project (DCB001) focuses on the development of a new precision treatment against MDR (multidrug-resistant) S. aureus strains (including the WHO priority MRSA; methicillin-resistance S. aureus).

Current development

DimiCare is building a great team involving academic researchers, infectiology and microbiology medical doctors, and strategic development experts, assuring a solid growth not only in the scientific but also in the business field.

Who is on board?

Juan A. Garcia-Sanchez



Pauline Meola



Laurent Boyer


Head of Biology

Cyril Ronco


Head of Chemistry

Patrick Munro


Senior Microbiologist

Grégory Michel


Senior Microbiologist



Business Developer

Christelle Pomares-Estran


Clinical Parasitology Advisor

Raymond Ruimy


Clinical Bacteriology Advisor

Johan Courjon


Clinical Infectiology Advisor

Rachid Behinda


Medicinal Chemistry Advisor

DimiCare is promoting its new candidat and communicating about AMR therapies everytime! Get updated about the news concerning our technology and dream team!


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